Secrets of the Book Review Editors! An e-Confab, Nov. 10
How do books get chosen for review? How do reviewers get chosen for books? What is the place of book reviewing in the digital age?
Talk to three veteran book review editors:
• Donna Seaman, critic and adult trade editor at the American Library Association's Booklist, which advises tens of thousands of librarians, teachers, and booksellers about new and forthcoming books;
• Ann Kjellberg, founding editor of Book Post;
• Laurie Hertzel, critic and book review editor at the Minneapolis Star Tribune, one of the last daily papers still regularly reviewing books.
They’ll describe their daily challenges, how they see the audience for books coverage and how best to serve it, where books journalism is heading in the digital age. Bring your questions!
Coming to you virtually from Book Post’s Fall 2021 Partner Bookseller
Seminary Co-op, November 10, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Central Time
Register here. A Book Post Bookseller Partner Project
Postscript: Watch online here
Coming Soon:
Book Post editor Ann Kjellberg lures out reluctant book reviewer Padgett Powell, author of Indigo: Arm Wrestling, Snake Saving, and Some Things in Between. Details soon!