Hello Ann, I'm unable to join you and Chris for the virtual conversation, but I wanted to say hello -- in honor of the old days at NYRB (if you both remember me). I came to My Antonia because I did love The Song of the Lark when I read it last year or the year before, the first Cather I'd ever read other than the Pittsburgh story in some anothology or other. I didn't love My Antonia except in certain brilliant moments -- the evocation of the burial site at the crossroads that never becomes a crossroads the highpoint, and it was wonderful to see it return at the end. If I could tune in on Sunday, I'm sure I would find more to appreciate, and I'm interested to know what you all may read next. Cheers.

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Catherine hello! I did keep seeing your name go by and wondering if it could really be you. I'm so glad you let yourself be known. I'm sorry Àntonia didn't satisfy! I hope we do better with you for our next round, whatever it may be. I do so appreciate your following along and look forward to reading your newsletter!

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thanks, Ann! I was happy to have read it, just the same. ❤️

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