Jun 9Liked by Ann Kjellberg

Fascinating, worrying overview, Ann - the quotes from Sam Altman made me gulp. Thank you!

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My jaw dropped when I heard/saw them. I've never come across any serious consideration from him about how writers and other creative people—or scholars or even journalists—inhabit the world he envisions for us.

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Jun 9Liked by Ann Kjellberg

Thanks for the good piece. By the way, Joseph McCarthy was not a member of the House Unamerican Activities Committee. He was in the Senate and chaired the Subcommittee on Investigations.

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OOPS! Repaired! Thank you!

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Jun 10Liked by Ann Kjellberg

You’re welcome!

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Jun 10Liked by Ann Kjellberg

Once again, you help us to look at what we don't want to see.

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Sorry to be such a downer! I have to look for more happy stories! At least Congress and the NEH are paying attention to David Kipen!

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Fascinating! Thank you for this. I did not know about current proposals to employ writers, as in the FWP. This makes all kinds of sense.

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Ann, this was very interesting. Thank you. I really didn't know about the FWP. Love the idea of a revived series of "America Guides," especially ones that would explore the endless unknown nooks and crannies of this vast country. The different directions described in your last two paragraphs are not mutually exclusive. We need both the pluribus and the unum, right? Pluralism and localism balanced by a sense of shared identity and purpose.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Author

I really agree! I could have gone on and on about the editorial thought experiment. Now we seem more to have too much information than too little: the project would be to shape something that is honest and true to the reality of place out of the plethora of information, and against the flattening of nationalized forms of communication … The David Taylor documentary looks really wonderful but it doesn't seem to be possible to get it. There are excerpts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apInQYW9s1w

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