One year ago today we named ourselves Book Post and came into being as a new kind of book review for new times.
If you’ve been reading our free updates, make it official by subscribing now to receive our exclusive, subscriber-only newsletter book reviews at our reduced launch rate. As a birthday special, for the month of May we will match your one-year subscription with a gift subscription to a book-curious student.
To date we’ve sent our subscribers reviews by writers like Joy Williams, Meghan O’Gieblyn, Michael Robbins, Àlvaro Enrigue, and Calvin Baker, with more to come!
Readers’ days are crowded, the news is cacophonous. Book Post gives you a way to connect with writers and ideas in digestible bites and to put your subscriber dollars to work supporting writers directly and promoting a respectful common discourse around ideas. We partner with independent booksellers—this spring, the Raven in Lawrence, Kansas!—to support local book communities.
Have a look at what we’ve been doing and get yourself a subscription!